How it works

Get started with StudentPulse check-ins in the most simple way, fully supported by a team of student engagement specialists.

What is StudentPulse?


Choose your focus areas

Upload your existing survey questions or choose from StudentPulse's research-bacedquestion framework .

Try out a microsurvey!

Tell us about the student context

Providing us with basic information about your students and their semester milestones, we map the student journey, forming the basis of check-in contents and their schedules.

Try out a microsurvey!

Add information about your role and institution

Adding a few details about your priorities, responsibilities and student opportunities, StudentPulse learns how student feedback should be converted into automated action at exactly you institution.

Try out a microsurvey!

Approve your check-ins

Based on your focus areas, students' context and institutional priorities you get an overview of suggested check-ins, ready to set live after you approval.

Try out a microsurvey!

Let students check in and take action

With hassle-free distribution, you will see the first students checking in. Leveraging you with high quality feedback and suggested improvements, and empowering students to take action immediately.

Try out a microsurvey!

Frequently asked questions

Everything you need to know about getting started with Studentpulse. Can't find the answer you're looking for? Please chat to our friendly team.

Would you recommend check-ins as a substitute for our existing student engagement activities?

If you are experiencing issues with your existing surveys in regards of student engagement and/or feedback applicability we recommend StudentPulse as a substitute.

Is it possible to use StudentPulse check-ins without setting up student connectors or identifiers?

Yes. Several institutions use StudentPulse to explain student well-being only, emphasising efficient analysis of data instead to make sure actions are taken by the institution.

What focus areas does the StudentPulse Framework include?

The framework has been developed together with educational institutions and students in Europe and covers a 360° experience. From peer relationship and study-life balance to planning, learning contents and feedback & assessment.

How are check-ins different from student surveys?

They are shorter, more contextual for students and institutional stakeholders, and most importantly driven by immediate student outcomes. Strengthening student engagement with the survey, feedback quality and the actions taken by both students and the institution.

How long does it take to get started with StudentPulse?

If you are using predefined StudentPulse drivers and questions, you can get started within a day. If you want your own framework of student experience drivers and questions the exact time frame can be discussed with one of our student engagement specialists.

What personal information is collected from StudentPulse?

All StudentPulse data is anonymous, hence we do not collect any personal identifiable data. In case you are using StudentPulse for identification, student data is collected for contact purposes only, pushing the data directly to your student management system or an alternative platform already used by your institution.

Still have questions?

Can't find the answer you're looking for? Please chat to our friendly team.

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