Creating a Framework for Inclusion and Diversity in Vocational Education

StudentPulse Team
June 28, 2024

Spring 2024, representatives from vocational education institutions across Europe gathered in Aalborg, Denmark, for a pivotal workshop aimed at developing a robust framework for addressing inclusion and diversity (I&D) in vocational education. Hosted by StudentPulse and attended by partners from Mercantec, ROC Noorderpoort, Centro de Formación Somorrostro, Colegiul Tehnic Samuil Isopescu Suceava, and Rakvere Ametikool, this workshop marked a significant milestone in the Erasmus+ KA220-VET project.

Workshop Objectives and Structure

The primary objective of the workshop was to create a comprehensive I&D questionnaire framework that could be employed across multiple European vocational schools. This framework is designed to identify and address barriers to inclusion and diversity through a series of micro-surveys.

Day 1: Inspiration and Data Analysis

  • Introduction: Participants were introduced to the workshop’s objectives and structure, emphasizing the importance of data in developing effective I&D measures.
  • Data Exploration: Key findings from Work Package 2 (WP2) were presented, highlighting common I&D barriers such as social and economic issues, mental health concerns, learning difficulties, and family-related challenges.
  • Hands-on Data Analysis: Each school examined its own data to identify specific barriers and discussed potential actions.

Day 2: Framework Development and Practical Application

  • Student Target Groups: The morning session focused on defining student target groups and understanding their unique needs.
  • Drafting Questions: Participants worked in mixed groups to draft questions for the micro-surveys, ensuring relevance and clarity.
  • Support Initiatives: The afternoon session was dedicated to listing and discussing support initiatives that schools could offer to students facing I&D barriers.
  • Planning Ahead: The final session outlined the next steps for refining and implementing the I&D framework.

Key Outputs from the Workshop

1. Diversity and Inclusion Questionnaire:

  • A set of KPI questions to measure overall diversity and inclusion.
  • Topic-specific questions addressing social, economic, mental health, and learning barriers.
  • Questions designed to be asked at critical touchpoints in the student journey to ensure timely and actionable feedback.

2. Student Support Initiatives:

  • A comprehensive list of support initiatives tailored to address identified barriers, ranging from mental health counseling to economic support and learning accommodations.
  • Emphasis on direct support from school staff, ensuring that students have access to human resources when needed.

3. Unified Student Journey:

  • Development of a student journey map to identify key milestones and touchpoints where surveys and support interventions would be most effective.
  • Flexibility in the timing of surveys to accommodate the unique schedules and structures of different vocational schools.

Practical Applications and Future Steps

The framework developed during the workshop provides a structured approach for vocational schools to systematically address inclusion and diversity. By leveraging data-driven insights and fostering a supportive environment, the framework aims to enhance student well-being and academic success.

Next Steps:

  • Framework Finalization: Refining the questionnaire and support initiatives based on feedback from the workshop participants.
  • Local Implementation: Schools will conduct localized sessions to adapt the framework to their specific contexts.
  • Student Validation: Testing the framework with students to ensure its effectiveness and relevance.
  • Onboarding and Training: Preparing school staff for the implementation of the framework, including training on how to use the micro-surveys and support initiatives effectively.


The Aalborg workshop was a significant step towards creating a more inclusive and supportive environment for vocational education students across Europe. By collaboratively developing a comprehensive I&D framework, the participants have laid the groundwork for meaningful change. This initiative not only addresses current barriers but also sets the stage for ongoing improvements in diversity and inclusion within vocational education.

For educators, policymakers, and institutions looking to enhance their I&D efforts, the insights and outputs from this workshop offer valuable guidance and practical tools. By prioritizing student well-being and fostering an inclusive educational environment, we can help all students thrive and succeed in their vocational pursuits.